
Sell My Home Effortlessly, A Detailed Guide To Selling Your Home

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A young, ambitious couple reached a milestone where the desire for more space and privacy became undeniable. Living in a high-rise condo offered its benefits, but with a growing son and another child on the way, they yearned for the openness and freedom that only a landed home could provide. Dreaming of a garden where their children could play and additional rooms to accommodate their expanding family, they came to real estate experts Sunita and Kaizar to sell their home and find their landed dream.


How To Choose a Property Agent To Sell Your Home

So you’re going to ask, what does this have to do with selling my home? Selecting the ideal real estate professional for selling your home is about building strong connections and tapping into an incredible network of potential buyers.

This year will be a good time for buyers to enter the market as the market shift for the year will realign buyer and seller expectations, so working with the right listing agent will become even more important in the coming year. Even the best Singapore homes will struggle to sell if it isn’t priced properly, or if the negotiations are handled poorly.  

“The first step is understanding the seller’s goal,’’ says Gill, cofounder of Singapore Luxury Homes (SLH). She recently sold The Ladyhill, a 2,422 square foot 3-bedroom, 3-bath property in District 10, above the asking price. “We then personalise the marketing of your property, targeting serious buyers within our extensive network.”



At SLH, our forte is in accentuating the distinct benefits of your property to both our select clientele and an extensive network of buyers and brokers. Being among the top 1% in the real estate sector, our track record of successfully concluding hundreds of transactions, backed by a network of over 11,000 real estate professionals, has equipped us with priceless insights that work for you.

SLH guide to selling your home in Singapore simplifies the property sales process into straightforward steps, alongside answers to frequently asked questions and tips for selling your home.



Be Transparent with Your Property Team

Being transparent with your real estate agent is key to a successful home sale. It’s not like a poker game where you hold your cards close. Openness enables your agent to fully understand your needs and goals, allowing them to strategize on your behalf precisely.

Open communication ensures that your agents fully understand your objectives, preferences and constraints, enabling them to adapt their strategy according to your ultimate goal. Here’s why transparency is paramount and how it can address various issues to help real estate agents know you better and align with your goals.


selling your home


1. Understanding Your Timeline
Whether planning to sell your home fast or just starting to think about selling your home, sharing your timeline is crucial. If your decision to sell is influenced by an immediate need to purchase another property or for cash flow needs, communicate these timing considerations to your agent. Understanding whether you’re under a tight deadline or have the flexibility to wait for the perfect offer can significantly influence your agent’s approach. They can then prioritise quick selling strategies or suggest temporary solutions like renting out the property if the market conditions are unfavourable for hitting your target price.


2. Pricing Your Home
Share your expectations regarding the selling price based on your understanding of the market and your home’s value. An open dialogue about your bottom line allows your agent to help you set a realistic price that aligns with market conditions while striving to meet your financial goals. This discussion should also cover flexibility in your asking price to accommodate negotiation strategies. Our team attains a minimum of 3 bank valuations on your behalf to support the asking price.


3. Costs of Selling
Be upfront about your budget for the costs associated with selling your home. This includes real estate agent commissions, closing costs, and any potential repairs or improvements you want to make before listing. A transparent discussion about these expenses helps your agent advise on the most cost-effective strategies to enhance your home’s appeal without unnecessary spending.


4. Home Maintenance and Repairs
Discuss any ongoing maintenance issues or needed repairs with your agent. If there are significant problems that you need help to address before selling, your agent can help with their vast network of contractors. This information is critical for setting the right price, negotiating with buyers and managing expectations during the sale process so that the deal doesn’t fall through at the last minute.


5. Property Taxes and Outstanding Mortgages
Provide details about any outstanding mortgage balances and property taxes, as these will affect the net proceeds from your sale. Understanding your obligations will help your agent navigate closing costs and ensure the sale meets your financial needs.


6. Investment Recovery
If the property was an investment, discuss your expectations for recovering your investment or achieving a specific return. This can influence how aggressively the property is priced and marketed and what kind of buyers your agent targets.


7. Concerns and Deal-Breakers
For sellers, it’s imperative to communicate any concerns or non-negotiable elements related to the sale of your property. This openness can significantly streamline the process, eliminating potential setbacks.


Whether it’s a minimum sale price you’re unwilling to go below, a tight timeline that necessitates a quick sale or specific terms you require in a deal (such as a leaseback agreement to allow you time to find a new home), disclosing these factors upfront gives your property advisor the information they need to navigate negotiations effectively. 

At Singapore Luxury Homes, we deeply understand the importance of your decision to engage us, viewing it as a commitment of your dreams and financial future into our hands. Our role extends beyond mere facilitators of a real estate transaction but as strategic partners in achieving your life’s aspirations. Our methods are professional and personalised, designed to fit your specific situation, guaranteeing a property journey that succeeds and complements your broader financial and lifestyle plans.





Most Frequently Asked Questions We Get from Home Sellers

Various factors influence the selling price of a house, with one of them being correct market pricing. An accurately priced home is sellable, while overpricing due to an unrealistic valuation or misunderstanding market data can hinder the selling process. Availability for showings and effective marketing, including high-quality online listings, are also essential. Other factors, such as addressing minor but significant repair issues and home staging, can further attract buyers and facilitate a sale​.

As property advisors, it’s our duty to help educate our clients with our deep knowledge of the market about current factors that impact property sales and list their homes accordingly.

We will cover everything from how our agents compare your property with similar ones in the area to determine a competitive selling price to the marketing strategy and advice on preparing your home for sale. Additionally, we provide a network of partners, from accounting to legal professionals, to support you during the negotiation process, ensuring the best possible terms and assistance throughout the closing process for a seamless transaction.

The absolute minimum time required to sell a home is approximately 12 weeks. However, this timeline can vary based on market conditions, negotiation processes and legal requirements. Selling a private property in Singapore involves several steps, starting with deciding on an asking price by comparing similar properties and considering factors like age, condition and location. 

Selling your property in Singapore involves several fees and costs that need to be considered. Below is a breakdown:

  • Agent commissions for private properties are typically 3 to 4% of the sale price.
  • Legal fees encompass conveyancing fees, which cover the legal work associated with the sale, including contract preparation, title checks, and transfer. These costs can vary based on the transaction’s complexity and the lawyer’s experience, with an expectation of $2,500 to $4,000 for private properties. Additionally, caveat fees for registering an interest in the property (usually the buyer’s caveat) are around $200.
  • Government fees, such as the Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD), are paid by the buyer and do not directly impact you as the seller. However, these fees may be relevant during pricing negotiations. For more information, consider reading our article about ABSD.
  • Other potential costs include a mortgage discharge fee ranging from $200 to $500 if there is an outstanding mortgage. For those who used CPF savings to purchase the property, a fee of 1.5% applies when withdrawing these funds. Depending on the condition of your property, pre-sale improvements might also be necessary.

These figures are estimates, and specific costs can vary depending on your property type, sale price, chosen professionals, and individual circumstances. For personalised advice, consult a real estate professional like Singapore Luxury Homes. Our team, part of an extensive network of professionals, is dedicated to making your home sale as seamless as possible.

The visibility in both public and private sales channels are important. While listing your home on property sites is a common approach, it’s crucial to understand that many transactions occur off-market. These unlisted homes often change hands through private networks. 

By working with an agent with an extensive and diverse network, you gain access to a market segment that goes beyond what’s publicly advertised. This means your home can be presented to a select group of serious buyers, offering a discreet and often more efficient sales process. Leveraging this dual approach expands your reach and increases the chances of a successful sale.

The closing process for selling your property in Singapore encompasses several crucial stages:

  • Verbal and Formal Offers: Buyers may submit verbal or formal offers after property viewings. This stage allows you to negotiate terms and consider multiple offers.
  • Option to Purchase (OTP): Upon reaching an agreement, the buyer pays an option fee (typically 1% of the purchase price), essentially a period of exclusivity. This cooling-off period lasts 14 days, during which the buyer can withdraw their offer. You retain the 1% fee.
  • Exercising the OTP. When a buyer meets the conditions of the sale and pays the additional 4% of the purchase price within the stipulated timeframe, the OTP becomes a confirmed sale. With this action, it also allows you, the seller, to purchase another property without the need to pay the additional 20% Buyer’s Stamp Duty (as of the time of the writing of this article) typically required for second home ownership.
  • Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA): A legally binding agreement detailing the terms and conditions of the sale is signed by both parties.
  • Conveyancing: This phase involves legal professionals handling the necessary paperwork, legal processes, and the transfer of the title.
  • Completion: The final stage includes the payment of the buyer’s remaining balance (20% of the purchase price), followed by any mortgage loan contributions towards the full purchase price if not a cash sale. Property ownership is officially transferred, and keys are handed over. This final step typically occurs 8 to 10 weeks after the option to purchase is exercised.

Determining the right time to sell depends on various market conditions and trends. Singapore Luxury Homes offers comprehensive insights into the latest market trends, real estate investment news, and property intelligence. Explore our insights

As of 27 April 2023, the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty are as follows:

Profile of Buyer

ABSD Rates from 16 Dec 2021 to 26 Apr 2023

ABSD Rates on or after 27 Apr 2023

Singapore Citizens (SC) buying first residential property

Not applicable

Not applicable

SC buying second residential property



SC buying third and subsequent residential property



Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) buying first residential property



SPR buying second residential property



SPR buying third and subsequent residential property



Foreigners (FR) buying any residential property



Entities buying any residential property



Housing Developers buying any residential property


(Plus Additional 5%, non-remittable)


(Plus Additional 5%, non-remittable)

Source: Internal Revenue Authority Singapore updated 27 Apr 2023

If you’re a foreign buyer, read our recent article, “Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) Remissions & Exemptions for Foreign Investors”.

Before listing your property, address functional or safety concerns, such as leaky faucets, faulty electrical wiring or damaged roofing. Also, remove visible cosmetic flaws, including peeling paint, cracked tiles, or outdated door handles, to enhance the property’s appeal.

However, avoid engaging in trendy or highly personal renovations that may not appeal to a broader market. Investments in costly additions, such as a kitchen or bathroom renovation, should be made with a clear understanding of demand, ensuring a positive return on investment. As for major structural modifications, it’s generally best to leave these decisions to the prospective buyer unless such changes significantly enhance the property’s market value.

Effective staging transforms your property into a buyer’s dream home, potentially accelerating the sale and increasing the selling price. We’re here to guide you through weighing the costs against the benefits, helping you create a staging design strategy that aligns perfectly with your objectives. Dive into the “Experiencing a Lifestyle” section below to discover the role staging plays in selling — and increasing the sales price — of your home.

Open houses can be an effective strategy, attracting diverse potential buyers interested in viewing your property during a designated time frame. However, this broad exposure may not be the most effective for luxury properties as it only sometimes guarantees attracting the right audience. Engaging with a knowledgeable real estate professional can be highly beneficial in this context, as they can tap into their network to connect qualified buyers through a more personalised and targeted approach.

In most cases, you don’t need to pay a Capital Gains Tax in Singapore when selling private residential property you’ve owned it for more than four years. This is a significant advantage compared to other countries where property sales often incur CGT.

However, there are a few key exceptions to be aware of:

  • Trading in properties: If you regularly buy and sell properties to make a profit, the profits might be considered trading income rather than capital gains. This income becomes taxable under Singapore’s income tax regime.
  • Short-term ownership: If you sell a property within four years of purchase, any profits might be deemed trading income and, therefore, taxable. This anti-avoidance measure discourages speculative property flipping
  • Foreign entities and controlled companies: Foreign entities and certain controlled companies might face taxation on property sale profits, even if individuals wouldn’t.
  • Foreign sellers: There may be additional tax implications in your home country. 

Additional points to consider include that even if you’re exempt from CGT, you might still need to pay Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD) based on your holding period for the property. This is different from CGT and should be distinct.

It’s always advisable to consult with a tax advisor regarding your specific situation to ensure you fully understand any potential tax implications when selling your property; our team can recommend a trusted partner in our network.

Unfortunately, direct tax deductions specifically for home sellers are unavailable in Singapore. However, there are a few strategies that can potentially minimise your tax burden related to your property sale:

  • Claiming Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD) remission: While you cannot directly deduct SSD, you may be eligible for remission depending on your holding period, e.g. 50% remission for 5 years of ownership, 100% remission for more than 5 years of ownership. This reduces the overall tax burden in Singapore associated with selling your property.
  • Deducting renovation and repair expenses: If you incurred essential repairs or renovations to sell your property at a higher price, you can remove these costs from your overall taxable income. However, these costs must be considered “revenue expenses” by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).
  • Utilising CPF for purchase/renovation: If you used your CPF savings to purchase or renovate the property, the accrued interest on your CPF account may be tax-exempt. This can indirectly reduce your taxable income.

Due to the complexities involved, it’s highly recommended to consult a qualified tax advisor to understand your situation and explore potential tax optimization strategies related to your property sale. They can help you navigate the rules and maximise any potential deductions or benefits available.

When receiving multiple offers, it’s crucial to assess each carefully. Compare aspects such as price, down payment and financing conditions. Offers with fewer contingencies and quicker closing timelines are often more appealing. 

At Singapore Luxury Homes, we assist our clients in evaluating buyer qualifications and advise on a buyer’s demeanour to facilitate a smooth transaction. It’s advisable to keep the details of other offers confidential, establish deadlines for responses and employ strategic counteroffers. Ultimately, your selling priorities and objectives will help us better facilitate the transaction. Professional advice is key in navigating negotiations to select the best offer with your selling goals.


Experiencing a Lifestyle

When reaching out to high-net-worth buyers, especially those eyeing properties worth more than $3 million, the appeal goes far beyond the basic selling points like square footage. These buyers are searching for something greater than a mere property; they’re after a lifestyle investment or financial returns.


sell your home quick


Selling a home rich with personal stories and memories can be deeply emotional. By adopting the perspective of potential buyers, you can effectively showcase your property’s inherent value and possibilities. Think from a home buyer’s or investor’s perspective: your home is a new beginning for them, a space where future memories and dreams will unfold. 

Shifting your mindset to theirs will help connect with buyers more meaningfully to help sell your property.


Become a Storyteller, Not Just a Seller
Transitioning from a seller to a storyteller can significantly impact the appeal of your home to potential buyers. View your home as a blank slate, awaiting the touch of your ideal buyer’s dreams and aspirations. 

Rather than focusing solely on listing specifications, create narratives for different buyer audiences. Envision how the home will enhance their daily life, the joy it will bring, and the memories yet to be created. This approach transforms the sale into an offering of a dream, deeply resonating with the buyer’s desires. 

Consider a change if your current agent only showcases your home and recites specifications. A deeper, story-driven approach could significantly influence the final sale price.


Embrace the Temporary Adjustments
Living in your home while it’s on the market requires flexibility, as catering to various buyer preferences is key. Changing your schedule and home might disrupt your daily routine, but it’s important to view these adjustments as temporary. 

Deciding what’s more important: making alterations to appeal to potential buyers or minor adjustments to your routine as a short-term investment that could speed up the sale and increase your home’s market value.

Imagine offering the kind of service one might expect at a luxury resort. Strive to give potential buyers the same level of attention by being responsive, considerate in your answers, and ahead of their needs. Adopting this approach and fine-tuning your strategy can help showcase your property’s true value and attract the perfect buyer.


Pricing Is King

Timely sales or waiting for the perfect offer hinge on a deep understanding of the market and pricing your property to match rather than aiming for the most eye-catching figure. 

Extremes in pricing strategy can be detrimental. Setting the price too high may reduce viewings and complicate negotiations, leading to a sale below your expectations.  While luxury features might draw attention, they sometimes translate to a lower selling price, especially if the specific market looking to buy your property type leans towards valuing simplicity. 


how to sell my home


On the flip side, setting the price too low might leave money on the table or attract too many unqualified buyers. Also, allowing your property to linger on the market too long can diminish its value, giving buyers additional ammunition to set lower price offers. 

The goal is to achieve a fair price, draw in serious buyers and ensure smooth negotiations.

Leveraging the insights and expertise of professionals is key. They can ensure your property is priced correctly through comparative market analysis, striking a balance between generating interest and maximising returns to help you reach your target.



Personal Style Is Not Always A Well-Styled Interior

Displaying your home’s unique interior style may come naturally, as it mirrors your personal tastes and family’s lifestyle. However, when it comes to selling, the key is to present your property not as a reflection of your dreams but as a blank canvas that potential buyers can envision fulfilling their aspirations.


1. Neutral Is Key
Buyers must see themselves in your space, which doesn’t imply creating stark, energetically lifeless environments. If your home is family-oriented, add touches like a bowl of lemons or green apples in the kitchen or a casually placed book or throw blanket in the den, but keep it edited since it’s about their future home, not your current one. If your home is family-oriented, add touches like a bowl of lemons or green apples in the kitchen or a casually placed book or throw blanket in the den, but keep it edited since it’s about their future home, not your current one.


2. Declutter and Depersonalise
Decluttering makes your home appear larger and more inviting. Remove unnecessary items and personal belongings to create a sense of space. Larger canvases allow buyers to imagine more effortlessly — removal of personal items from walls like photos, diplomas and specific artwork. Opt for neutral colours and decor to appeal to diverse buyers. This is where home staging might help.

staging your home to sell beforeBefore, it was a cluttered space with full of personal items.


3. Boost Interior Styling through Staging
Staging enhances your home’s appeal through carefully chosen furniture and decor, creating a welcoming atmosphere and showcasing your home’s best features. It’s an effective tool, with staged homes often attracting more interest and potentially selling for more than asking. Staging can be done inexpensively, focusing instead on decluttering and strategic furniture placement to create a cohesive design. The extent of staging should align with your budget and the home’s target market.

staging your home to sell afterAfter minor changes, decluttering a space and adding inexpensive furnishings and artwork.


4. Upgrade Small Fixtures
Swapping outdated or worn hardware, like cabinet knobs, light switch covers, and doorknobs, can give your home a refreshed look without a significant investment. These small changes can transform the feel of a room, making it appear more modern and well-maintained.


5. Focus on the Front Door
The entryway sets the first impression for a showing. Painting your front door in a bold or welcoming colour, replacing the doormat, and adding potted plants can create an inviting entrance that stands out in buyers’ minds. Let’s face it: we live in Asia, and keeping your shoes outside the doorway is common, but not everyone wants to see those old sandals.


6. Rearrange Furniture for Flow
How furniture is arranged can significantly impact a space’s feel. Optimising the layout for easy movement and social interaction makes rooms appear larger and more functional. This strategic placement can help buyers envision living in and using the space better.


7. Highlight Nooks and Crannies
Every home has unique features or underutilised spaces that can be showcased creatively. A reading nook under the stairs, a window seat with a view, or built-in storage solutions can be staged to highlight these as bonus features, adding character and functionality that potential buyers might not have considered. And don’t forget about those corners. Buy a few standing palms or houseplants to bring a bit of nature into the space.


8. The Power of Scents
While many know how to clean and declutter a home before showing, the scent can create a welcoming atmosphere. Remember that scent or walk by your favourite boutique when you go to your favourite resort. Beyond eliminating bad odours, introducing subtle, pleasant scents like vanilla or citrus can subconsciously make your home more inviting and memorable to potential buyers.

Proper preparation makes your home more attractive to buyers. Collaborating with your listing agent is crucial to effectively preparing and marketing your home.


When Is The Best Time To Sell My Home

Traditionally, the best time to sell your house in Singapore is the middle of the year. Still, as we analysed that data, we saw that the best time to sell can vary depending on current market conditions and individual circumstances.

This table illustrates the seasonal variations in sales volume and price per square foot over the five-year period.

Quarter 2019 Units Sold 2019 PSF (SG$) 2020 Units Sold 2020 PSF


2021 Units Sold 2021 PSF


2022 Units Sold 2022 PSF


2023 Units Sold 2023 PSF


Q1 622 $1,784 675 $1,806 1271 $1,744 816 $1,856 903 $1,986
Q2 775 $1,809 297 $1,848 1441 $1,783 1178 $1,868 937 $1,948
Q3 769 $1,815 962 $1,693 1481 $1,798 1130 $1,915 851 $1,918
Q4 835 $1,834 1122 $1,691 1326 $1,827 798 $1,977 859 $1,974

Source: EdgeProp Market Trends for resale properties in Central Region.


Analysing the provided sales data from 2019 to 2023, two key factors emerge when determining the best time to sell a property in Singapore: the volume of units sold and the price per square foot (PSF). 

The data reveals that the first and third quarters (Q1 and Q3) typically see a higher volume of units sold, indicating strong buyer activity during these periods. This could suggest that sellers aiming to attract the most interest might consider listing their properties in Q1 or Q3. 

However, when focusing on achieving the highest possible sale price, the fourth quarter (Q4) is the period with consistently higher PSF values across the observed years. The trend of increasing PSF towards the end of the year, particularly noticeable in 2022 and 2023, suggests that properties may command higher prices in Q4. Therefore, based on this dataset, sellers prioritising higher sale prices would find the end of the year — the fourth quarter — the most advantageous time to list and sell their property in Singapore.


guide to selling your home


But defining what “the best time” means for you might differ based on your goals. This could involve setting specific financial goals, such as achieving a certain return percentage or selling within a defined timeframe. Comprehensive financial planning can help determine these targets, considering retirement goals, reinvestment plans, or other financial needs. Your property must have quantifiable goals to effectively decide on the best timing for its sale.

Factors like the potential for realising targeted gains, bridging the gap to another desired property, and responding to government policy changes are critical considerations for timing your sale. For instance, if you aim for a specific return on investment and market conditions align with your goals sooner than expected, it might be advantageous to sell earlier. Conversely, if upgrading to another property type, ensuring you have sufficient sale proceeds and can afford the next purchase is vital before deciding to sell​.


preparing to sell your home


Professional assistance in selling your property can provide significant benefits, including thorough financial planning, premium marketing services, professional photography, guided home viewings, and skilled negotiation, potentially leading to faster sales and higher prices. These services can save you considerable commission fees while ensuring maximum exposure and an optimised selling process​​.

Ultimately, the decision on when to sell should be informed by a combination of market insights, personal financial goals, and strategic considerations about property value and potential buyer interest. Consulting with a real estate professional or financial advisor can provide tailored advice and support throughout the selling process.


Field Offers and Counteroffers

Selling your home opens the door to exciting opportunities, yet it can also introduce complexity, especially as offers begin. This is where the invaluable role of your trusted real estate agent becomes evident, serving as your navigator through the complex negotiation process.

Consider the moment you receive an offer for your property. Although it might be neatly laid out in a standard form, understanding its significance extends beyond merely reviewing the figures. In these moments, the depth of your agent’s expertise becomes crucial.

Your agent will assess every aspect of the offer, focusing on the proposed price and examining contingencies, proposed closing dates, and any specific requests. Your agent comprehensively assesses its merit by evaluating the offer against current market dynamics, comparisons with similar properties, and how it measures up to your asking price.


Wealthy individuals often use mortgage loans for property purchases, not due to a lack of funds but for strategic financial reasons. This approach allows them to retain cash for high-return investments, leveraging the difference between low mortgage rates and higher investment returns. Additionally, mortgage interest may be tax-deductible, offering tax advantages. This strategy also diversifies investment portfolios by adding real estate and facilitates estate planning by enabling wealth transfer while maintaining liquidity.


Whether you’re aiming for a swift transaction or holding out for the best possible offer, or if you have particular requirements for the sale’s timeline, your SLH agent tailors the negotiation with your goals in mind.

Should the initial offer not meet your expectations, your SLH agent is ready to articulate a counteroffer that better matches your criteria while ensuring competitiveness within the current market landscape. They strive to bring both parties to a consensus through adept negotiation and ongoing dialogue with the buyer’s agent.

It’s important to note that not all situations warrant a counteroffer. Depending on how closely an offer aligns with your requirements, your SLH agent may advise acceptance or rejection if the proposal significantly undervalues your property. Their expert advice is designed to lead you to the most informed decision at each juncture.

Embarking on the sale of your home is a significant endeavour, with navigating offers perhaps one of the more challenging aspects. Yet, with a skilled SLH real estate agent, you can move forward confidently, assured of achieving the most favourable outcome, one offer at a time.


Bringing It Full Circle

Selling your home is deeply interconnected with selecting the right real estate partner. It goes beyond mere transactions, focusing instead on building relationships and tapping into networks that introduce your home to the ideal buyer. This period is ripe with opportunities for sellers, with evolving market expectations and the everso-critical role of accurate pricing and masterful negotiation.


tips for selling your home


Clear communication with your real estate team is the key to a successful property sale. Sharing your selling timeline, financial expectations, and any specific concerns allows for a customised approach, ensuring your home efficiently appeals to the right buyers. From addressing necessary repairs to selecting the most effective marketing strategies and managing financial details, transparency is the pathway to a smooth sale process.

Selling your home is more than a transaction. It’s a step towards new beginnings intertwined with your personal and financial aspirations. Let our experienced team at Singapore Luxury Homes guide you in selling your home, leveraging our deep market knowledge and personalised service to unlock your property’s potential and secure the most favourable outcome.

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SG Luxury Homes represents the finest luxury real estate. We are renowned as the top 1% luxury real estate team who has guided residential and commercial buyers and sellers, resulting in a combined total of more than $2 billion in real estate sales in Singapore and abroad within the past decade, with a record of over 300 transactions. Connect with our real estate team:



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